On Friday 15 December 2017, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) organised another ‘Data.overheid.nl’ User Meeting. Aim of these User Meetings is to allow users and providers of open data in the Netherlands to exchange ideas and experiences. More than one hundred participants attended the meeting in December. During this meeting,Read More…
A book chapter on the ‘Governance of open spatial data infrastructures in Europe‘ by Glenn Vancauwenberghe en Bastiaan van Loenen was published in the book ‘The Social Dynamics of Open Data’. The chapter provides an analysis of how several European member states have been dealing with the governance of their open spatial data infrastructures since theRead More…
To switch to an open data policy may pose a challenge to the business model of National Mapping & Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), especially if they are required to generate sufficient revenue to cover a substantial part of their operating costs. This research, carried out for EuroSDR, aims to assess the effects of open data policiesRead More…
Researchers of the Knowledge Centre have contributed to the book ‘GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information’, edited by Jamie B. Kruse, Joep Crompvoets and Francoise Pearlman and published by CRC Press. The book explores the different steps in the geospatial information value chain from the viewpoint of domain experts spanning various disciplines. In their chapterRead More…
GeoBuzz is the annual conference and exhibition organised by GeoBusiness Netherlands (umbrella organisation of geosector companies) and GIN – Geo-Information Netherlands. This year, GeoBuzz was held on 21st and 22nd of November in Den Bosch. On 22 November, Frederika Welle Donker of the Open Data Knowledge Centre led a session on effective governance of openRead More…
In this GSDI Association’s webinar on Geospatial Open Data on November 16, attended by almost a hundred participants, Knowledge center’s Bastiaan van Loenen provided a web presentation on the basics of open data, its scope, benefits and a snapshot of open data research challenges. See Bastiaan’s presentation. See here for the Seminar report.
On Wednesday 27 September the PhD Afternoon OTB took place, during which 19 PhD researchers of OTB presented their work. Also two KCOD researchers, Lorenzo Dalla Corte and Agung Indrajit , participated in this event. Lorenzo presented his research on Balancing the Right to Data Protection with Open Data. The central research question of his PhDRead More…
On Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 September the EuroSDR workshop on Sustainable Open Data Business Models for NMCAs was organized at Delft University of Technology. Representatives from the national mapping mapping and cadastral agencies (NMCAs) but also from other public and private organizations participated in this two-day workshop on open data business models and the impact ofRead More…
Glenn Vancauwenberghe and Bastiaan van Loenen have co-authored a book chapter on the Emergence of Open Spatial Data Infrastructures in the book ‘User Centric E-Government: Challenges and Opportunities‘, edited by Saqib Saeed, T. Ramayah and Zaigham Mahmood. The book provides user studies and theories related to user-centered technology design processes for e-government projects. The bookRead More…
On Thursday 21 September, KCOD researcher Glenn Vancauwenberghe participated in the ‘Smart ideas, smart solutions’ seminar organised by FLAGIS, the Flemish Association for Geographic Information Systems. The seminar brought together practitioners from the public and the private sector and researchers to discuss about the key challenges in the domain of geospatial information in Flanders. GlennRead More…