KCOD at the INSPIRE conference: Antwerpen 18-21 Sept. 2018

A packed programme with workshops and parallel sessions held simultaneously, which made it at times hard to choose. The INSPIRE Conference is slowly moving to reflect new developments, such as new OGC standards, e.g. WFS 3.0 and for sensor data APIs the SensorThings standard, and a strong focus on Smart Cities. It was interesting to see that presentations were not limited to Member States, also countries such as Turkey realise the potential of the INSPIRE Framework. It was also good to see that a number of INSPIRE organisations are developing interfaces to incorporate user feedback and citizens’ generated data. Many of the most valuable spatial data are produced, managed and maintained at the local level. The amount of data generated by organisations, citizens and objects is exploding in volume and variety. If we consider data to be no longer the property of one party but rather as an exchange mechanism between the public sector, companies and citizens, then the data need to be open, understandable and interpretable by all. Interoperability issues go beyond technical and legal aspects but should also include interoperability of services, human interoperability and good governance. The challenge of governing open spatial data at local level is twofold: municipalities not only have to decide how to govern their own relationships with other stakeholders in the open data domain, but also need to think about their involvement in, contribution to, and adoption of national open data initiatives. In other words, how to facilitate the exchange mechanism created by open data. On Tuesday 18 Sept. KCOD’s Frederika Welle Donker presented the findings of the AMS E-GOS project, where the link between governance and performance of open data policies at municipal level was investigated.

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