On Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 September the EuroSDR workshop on Sustainable Open Data Business Models for NMCAs was organized at Delft University of Technology. Representatives from the national mapping mapping and cadastral agencies (NMCAs) but also from other public and private organizations participated in this two-day workshop on open data business models and the impact ofRead More…
Glenn Vancauwenberghe and Bastiaan van Loenen have co-authored a book chapter on the Emergence of Open Spatial Data Infrastructures in the book ‘User Centric E-Government: Challenges and Opportunities‘, edited by Saqib Saeed, T. Ramayah and Zaigham Mahmood. The book provides user studies and theories related to user-centered technology design processes for e-government projects. The bookRead More…
On Thursday 21 September, KCOD researcher Glenn Vancauwenberghe participated in the ‘Smart ideas, smart solutions’ seminar organised by FLAGIS, the Flemish Association for Geographic Information Systems. The seminar brought together practitioners from the public and the private sector and researchers to discuss about the key challenges in the domain of geospatial information in Flanders. GlennRead More…
Several KCOD researchers presented their work during the INSPIRE Conference 2017 in Kehl (Germany) and Strasbourg (France). The conference aimed to contribute to the implementation of the European INSPIRE Directive by 2020 and demonstrate the potential of the European Spatial Data Infrastructure resulting from INSPIRE for the environment and the EU Digital society. On Wednesday, MScRead More…
On September 4 2017, the Knowledge Centre Open Data organised the well attended workshop ‘Towards a Map of Open SDI/INSPIRE’ at the INSPIRE 2017 Conference in Kehl (Germany) and Strasbourg (France). In this workshop, several experts presented their view and experiences on Open SDI and a first prototype of the ‘Map of Open SDI in Europe’ wasRead More…
The ‘Map of Open SDI in Europe’, a project of the Knowledge Centre Open Data of Delft University of Technology, is developed to provide SDI decision makers, practitioners and researchers with a more comprehensive understanding of the openness of spatial data infrastructures in Europe. The Map covers three key dimensions of Open SDIs: readiness, implementationRead More…