On Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 September the EuroSDR workshop on Sustainable Open Data Business Models for NMCAs was organized at Delft University of Technology. Representatives from the national mapping mapping and cadastral agencies (NMCAs) but also from other public and private organizations participated in this two-day workshop on open data business models and the impact of open data.
On Monday 18 September, participants were welcomed by professor Willem Korthals Altes, head of the section Geoinformation and Land Development within the Faculty of Architecture. Joep Crompvoets, Secretary-General of EuroSDR, gave a presentation of the mission, structure and activities of EuroSDR and provided an introduction to the workshop. The keynote presentation of Thorhildur Jetzek (Activity Stream) provided some interesting insights and research results on the process of creating value from open data. The final presentation on Monday was from Frederika Welle Donker (TU Delft), who presented the results of the EuroSDR survey on the effects of open data on the business models of NMCAs. After the presentations, several discussions sessions were organized in which participants could share their view and experiences on the sustainability of open data, the impact of open data, and the challenges of implementing open data.
On Tuesday 19 September, the workshop started with a wrap up of the findings and conclusions of the first day. Bastiaan van Loenen (TU Delft) presented some theoretical perspectives and research results on open data business models. Glenn Vancauwenberghe (TU Delft) gave a presentation on Open SDIs, in which the topic of open data business models was placed in a wider context of open spatial data infrastructures and some key challenges at national and European level to implement these open SDIs were discussed. The workshop ended with an open discussion on the national and pan-European challenges and future steps.
All presentations and other relevant documents can be found here. See for more information also the website of EuroSDR.