The Knowledge Centre contributed to the Massive Open Online Course on Open Government organized by the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology. The MOOC Open Government explores the foundations and objectives of Open Government and examines current developments, including the opening and reuse of governmental data such as the release of data by governments in America and Europe. The course empowers students by helping them to grasp the key principles surrounding open government. Within this MOOC, Bastiaan van Loenen contributed to the module on Technical and legal aspects of open data.
The Knowledge Centre also contributed to the creation of learnign and teaching materials and activities as part of SPIDER – open SPatial data Infrastructure eDucation nEtwoRk, under the Erasmus+ programme – a project involving a consortium of universities, among which Bochum University, TU Delft, KU Leuven, Lund University, University of Zagreb.
KCOD researchers are also involved in several education programs at the Free University in Amsterdam and Leiden University and in the supervision of students at Tilburg University (TILT).