The EuroSDR workshop on Sustainable Open Data Business Models for NMCAs was organized in Delft (the Netherlands) on 18 and 19 September 2017. The workshop brought together the NMCAs to present and share their experiences of open data and discuss the research results with representatives of academia.
Joep Crompvoets (EuroSDR/KULeuven) – Introduction to EuroSDR
Thorhildur Jetzek (Activity Stream) – From Data to Value
Frederika Welle Donker (TU Delft) – Open data at NMCAs: Questionnaire EuroSDR – the results
Bastiaan van Loenen (TU Delft) – Sustainable open data business models
Glenn Vancauwenberghe (TU Delft) – Open SDIs, Sustainable SDIs?
Studies on the value of (open) geo-information
PwC (2017) The impact of open geographical data. Management summary
PwC (2017) Effekten af de frie geodata – Eftermåling; Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering (Dk)
Deloitte (2014) The impact of the open geographical data; English summary of Danish report to the Danish Geodata Agency
Micus Gmbh (2008). Assessment of the Re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) in the Geographical information, Meteorological Information and Legal Information Sectors.
MICUS Management Consulting GmbH (2003). Der markt fuer Geoinformationen: Potenziale fuer Beschaeftigung, Innovation und Wertschoepfung.
MICUS Management Consulting GmbH (2001a). Market survey: Boosting of the geospatial market in North Rhine Westphalia, Media NRW. 24: 33.
MICUS Management Consulting GmbH (2001b). Aktivierung des Geodatenmarktes in Nordrhein-Westfalen Marktstudie, Media NRW. 24: 88.
Bregt AK, Castelein W, Grus L, Eertink D (2013) De effecten van een open basisregistratie topografie (BRT). Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research
Bregt AK, Grus Ł, Eertink D (2014) Wat zijn de effecten van een open basisregistratie topografie na twee jaar? Report commenced by the Dutch Kadaster
Bregt AK, Grus L, van Beuningen T, van Meijeren H (2016) Wat zijn de effecten van een open Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN)? Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research
Erik Lakomaa(2016). Samhällsekonomisk effekt av öppna geodata. SSE Working Paper Series in Economic History, Stockholm School of Economics No 2016:3.
Frick et al. (2002) Analyse Geodatenmarkt Schweiz
Frick, R, and D. Finger (2008) Analysis of the Swiss market of geoinformation
Frick, Roman, Mirjam Strahm, Benedikt Notter (2016) Geoinformationsmarkt Schweiz Marktanalyse und Wirtschaftsmonitoring. download at the bottom
United Kingdom
ConsultingWhere Ltd and ACIL Tasman (2012). Assessing the value of Ordnance Survey OpenDataTM to the economy of Great Britain. Full study interim report: 107.
Young, A. and S. Verhulst (2016). The Global Impact of Open Data. Key Findings from Detailed Case Studies Around the World. Sebastopol, CA: 452.
Berends, J., W. Carrara, W. Engberts and H. Vollers (2017). Re-using Open Data. A study on companies transforming open data into economic & societal value. Brussels, Capgemini Consulting: 2016.