Timeline project info

The timeline project aims at providing insights in the worldwide development of a variety of subjects relevant for the processing of (spatial) data. For each subject, the timeline will provide an overview of events (projects, legislation, policy documents, etc). This may allow for identifying trends and may function as a repository for the subject.

At this moment we focus on two subjects:

1. Timeline open spatial data

2. Timeline data protection

Timeline open spatial data

The open spatial data  timeline project aims at providing insights in the worldwide development of open spatial data throughout time. The project aims at identifying policy documents, events, decisions, and legislation that shape and drive open spatial data in a jurisdiction. Focus is open spatial data (infrastructures), but the timeline will also include relevant open data events at all levels.

Open data are data that comply with 10 principles: data shall be considered open if they are complete, primary, timely, accessible, machine processable, non-discriminatory, non-proprietary, permanent, licence-free, and  free of charge. Open data are not limited to government data as the private sector also recognises the potential benefits of making their datasets available as open data.

Timeline data protection

This project identified developments in data protection in Europe.


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